John Eliot Gardiner: Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists
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Misa en B menor (BWV 232), una de las obras mas famosas del compositor alemán barroco Johann Sebastian Bach.
Y con esta interpretación que a mi parecer es la mejor de parte del organista y director Karl Richter con el Münchener Bach-Chor
y la Münchener Bach-Orchester y como solistas:
Hermann Prey (Bajo)
Horst R. Laubenthal (Tenor)
Gundula Janowitz, (Soprano)
Hertha Töppe (Alto)
— Kyrie eleison (Chorus)
— Christe eleison (S-A)
— Kyrie eleison (Chorus)
— Gloria in excelsis Deo (Chorus)
— Et in terra pax (Chorus)
— Laudamus te (A)
— Gratias agimus tibi (Chorus)
— Domine Deus (S-T)
— Qui tollis peccata mundi (Chorus)
J. S. Bach
BWV 70 [22:59]
BWV 132 [17:40]
BWV 147 [28:07]
Soprano: Brigitte Geller
Counter-tenor: Michael Chance
Tenor: Jan Kobow
Bass: Dietrich Henschel
Monteverdi Choir
English Baroque Soloists
John Eliot Gardiner
Live recordings from the Bach Cantata Pilgrimage:
Michaeliskirche, Lüneburg, Germany.
Volume 13 CD 2
Les six suites pour violoncelle de JS Bach, interprétées par Marc Coppey. Juin 2015
Production Séquence SDP / ARTE concerts
Réalisation: Paul Ouazan
Direction artistique — montage son: Cécile Lenoir
Prise de son: Cécile Lenoir et Jean-Yves Pouyat
Mixage: Jean-Yves Pouyat
Montage: David Renaud
Image: Stéphane Aveneau
Concerti per mandolini
Concerti con molti strumenti
Mandoline Concertos
Concertos for various instruments
Konzerte für verschiedene Instrumente
J.S. Bach: Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 / Zweiter Teil — No. 49 «Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben» · Ann Monoyios · English Baroque Soloists · John Eliot Gardiner
Bach, J.S.: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244
℗ 1989 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin
Released on: 1989-01-01
Producer: Dr. Andreas Holschneider
Producer: Charlotte Kriesch
Producer, Recording Producer: Karl-August Naegler
Studio Personnel, Balance Engineer, Editor: Ulrich Vette
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Klaus Behrens
Studio Personnel, Editor: Werner Roth
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Author: Christian Friedrich Henrici